Book Recommendation: Multipliers by Liz Wiseman
Do you make those around you smarter? Are you a multiplier or a diminisher?
Why You Should Write A Honey Tate Published Book
You’ve mastered the school of hard knocks. That wisdom is invaluable for others coming behind you on the same path. Write your story to improve their lives.
I Don't See Why Not! The Honey Tate Publishing Way...
If we can download a single song from an album or buy a single image from a catalog of photos, why can’t I buy a single chapter in a book?
Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should!
A lot of people are mesmerized by the idea of publishing a book. They don’t realize the often agonizing process of capturing one’s ideas, articulating a vision and a path to get there!
The Outline is your Guiding Light!
The outline is the biggest, often underdeveloped asset in starting any book journey. It starts with ONE big, non-obvious idea behind the book, evidence you have that it’s true & that you’re an expert.